
Data model of a tooltip element:

type Tooltip = {
    index: number;
    type: 'tooltip';
    data: TooltipData;
    target: Target;
    actions: TooltipActions;


The serial number for steps, beginning from 0.


type TooltipData = {
    bodyContent: BodyContent;
    footerContent: FooterContent;
    placement: Placement;
    offset: [number, number];
    arrow: boolean;
    arrowSizeScale: number;
    scrollIntoView: boolean;
    backdrop: {
        disabled: boolean;
        color: string;
        opacity: string;
        stageGap: number;
        nextOnOverlayClick: boolean;
    progressOn: {
        eventType: string;
        elementSelector: string;
        disabled: boolean;
    progressBar: {
        disabled: boolean;
        styleProps: object;


type BodyContent = string | Element | object | Function;

bodyContent can be a string, an HTML element, a React component or a Vue component. It is the main body of the tooltip.


type FooterContent = string | Element | object | Function;

footerContent, like bodyContent, can be a string, an HTML element, a React component or a Vue component. The footer appears below the content passed to bodyContent.


type Alignment = 'start' | 'end';
type Side = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
type AlignedPlacement = `${Side}-${Alignment}`;

type Position = Side | AlignedPlacement | 'auto';
type Orientation = 'fixed' | 'auto';

type Placement = {
    position: Position;
    orientation: Orientation;


position dictates where the tooltip should be positioned with respect to the target dom element. The default value is bottom.


Setting orientation to auto will make Lusift change the position of the tooltip if the tooltip overflows the document when rendered with the passed position value. Setting it to fixed prevents this behaviour. Default value is auto.


offset's data type is an array of 2 numbers, the first number is the distance of the tooltip from x-axis of the element, and the second number is the distance of tooltip from y-axis of the target element.

Default value is [0, 0].


Setting arrow to false disables arrow on the tooltip. Default value is true.


arrowSizeScale is the multiple value you want to increase the tooltip arrow's size by.


Setting scrollIntoView to true will scroll the the screen to the target dom element on the page. Default value is true.


Configuring the tooltip backdrop.


Setting disabled to true disables the backdrop with the tooltip. Default value is false, it is enabled by default.


Hex color value of the backdrop. Default value is #444.


Opacity of backdrop. Default value is 0.5.


Space, in pixels, between the backdrop element wrapping around the target element and the target element. Default value is 5.


Setting this to true makes it so that clicking on the backdrop overlay takes you to the next step in the guide. Default value is false.



eventType is the value of event type that needs to be registered by an element of css selector elementSelector, as below, for the guide to progress on to the next step. Default value is click.


elementSelector is the css selector of any element on the document. Default element is the target element. That is, the default behaviour is to progress to next step when the target element is clicked.


Setting disabled to true will disable this behaviour.



Setting disabled to true disables the progress bar at the top of the tooltip.


Set CSS properties to the progress bar element.


type PathComparator =
    'is' |
    'contains' |
    'startsWith' |
    'endsWith' |

type Target = {
    path: {
        value: string;
        comparator: PathComparator;
    elementSelector: string;

target dictates the condition for the tooltip element to display and where.



value is the URL path value of the target page.


  • is: the path value should be equal to the current path.

  • contains: the current URL path should contain the value.

  • startsWith: the current URL path should start with value. Uses javascript's String.prototype.startsWith().

  • endsWith: the current URL path should end with value. Uses javascript's String.prototype.endsWith().

  • regex: Use * as the placeholder for parts of URL. Example, /*/dashboard/ will match /companyName/dashboard.


elementSelector is the css selector of the target dom element where the tooltip will point at.


interface StepActions {
    closeButton: {
        styleProps: object;
        disabled: boolean;
    navSection: {
        disabled: boolean;
        styleProps: object;
        nextButton: {
            text: string;
            styleProps: object;
            disabled: boolean;
        prevButton: {
            text: string;
            styleProps: object;
            disabled: boolean;
        dismissLink: {
            text: string;
            styleProps: object;
            disabled: boolean;


Setting disabled on closeButton object to true disables the close button on the top right of the tooltip element.

You can set CSS properties for the button with styleProps object on closeButton.

The nav section includes navigation buttons at the bottom of the tooltip element to go to the next step, previous step, or to skip the guide. Setting disabled to true disables the nav section entirely.

nextButton, prevButton, and dismissLink configure the text, enabled status, and styling of the next button, previous button, and the dismiss button respectively.


const tooltip1 = {
    index: 0,
    type: 'tooltip',
    target: {
    path: {
            value: '/docs/overview',
            comparator: 'is'
        elementSelector: 'button.lusift-target'
    data: {
        placement: {
          position: 'right',
          orientation: 'fixed',
        bodyContent: 'My tooltip',
        footerContent: 'This is the footer',
    actions: {
        closeButton: {
            disabled: true