
We make use of the following methods to work with content in Lusift:


Lusift.setContent(lusiftContent: Content, defaults: ContentDefaults) method takes the content containing guides' data.


setContent() takes 2 arguments: content (type Content) and defaults (type ContentDefaults).

Data in defaults and content objects are merged to create a content object internally, more about that in getContent().

type GuideType = {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    description: string;
    steps: Array<Tooltip | Modal | Hotspot>;
    closeOnLastNext: boolean;
    onNext: () => void;
    onPrev: () => void;
    onClose: () => void;

// Tooltip, Modal, Hotspot types discussed in next sections
// likewise for onNext, onPrev, and onClose

type Content = {
    [guideID: string]: {
        type: 'guide';
        data: GuideType;

type DefaultTooltip = {
  target: {
    path: {
      comparator: string;
      value: string;
  data: {
    placement: string;
    arrow: boolean;
    backdrop: {
      disabled: boolean;
      color: string;
      opacity: string;
      stageGap: number;
      nextOnOverlayClick: boolean;
  actions: {
    styleProps: {};
    closeButton: {
      styleProps: {};
      disabled: boolean;
    navSection: {
      styleProps: {};
      nextButton: {
        text: string;
        styleProps: {};
        disabled: boolean;
      prevButton: {
        text: string;
        styleProps: {};
        disabled: boolean;
      dismissLink: {
        text: string;
        styleProps: {};
        disabled: boolean;

type DefaultHotspot = {
  target: {
    path: {
      comparator: string;
      value: string;
  beacon: {
    placement: {
      top: number;
      left: number;
    size: number;
    color: string;
    type: string;
  tip: {
    data: {
      placement: string;
      arrow: boolean;
    styleProps: {};
  async: boolean;

type DefaultModal = {
  target: {
    path: {
      comparator: string;
      value: string;
  closeButton: {
    styleProps: {};
    disabled: boolean;
  data: {

type ContentDefaults = {
  tooltip: DefaultTooltip;
  hotspot: DefaultHotspot;
  modal: DefaultModal;


Setting closeOnLastNext to true will close the guide when the last step is finished, IE, is called when at the last step.

We will discuss individual step types (tooltip, hotspot, modal) in the next sections. The defaults are derived from the same.


const lusiftContent = {
    '1': {
        type: 'guide',
        data: {
            id: '1',
            name: 'demo guide',
            description: 'description...',
            closeOnLastNext: false,
            steps: [
                // ...

const defaults = {
    // ...

Lusift.setContent(lusiftContent, defaults);


Lusift.showContent(guideID: string) method takes the id of the guide to start.


Lusift.getContent() returns the content that has been set using Lusift.setContent().


Lusift.refresh() method checks for the target path and (new) target dom element on the webpage, for the active guide, if there is one. In absence of an active guide, this method will run Lusift.showContent() with the id of the first enabled guide in the content.

Run this on page changes in single page applications and when content, potentially including a target element, is dynamically added to the page.


Lusift.getActiveGuide() returns the id and the instance object of the active guide if any. In absence of an active guide, it returns null.


The instance object contains the following properties:


Returns a list of objects containing steps instance.


Returns a number representing the percentage of the guide steps the user has been through.


Returns the tracking state of the active guide. More on the Tracking State section of the documentation.


Contains the content data of the guide.


Resets guide's progress / tracking state


Lusift.resetTrackingState() resets the tracking state of all guides in Lusift.


Lusift.disable(guideID: string) takes the id of the guide to disable. Disabling an active guide will make Lusift not check for any steps to display.


Lusift.enable(guideID: string, toRefresh?: boolean) takes the id of the guide to enable as the first parameter and toRefresh as an optional parameter setting which to true will run Lusift.refresh() after enabling the guide.